Family of Walter^8 Henry "Rip" Van Wicklin

(Photo of Walter Van Wicklin in his WWI military uniform; courtesy--Georgi Van Sills.)
Walter^8 Henry "Rip" Van Wicklin (Henry^7, Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1
Jeppes), b. 1894, South River, Ontario, Canada
Married: Olive LaFoy (b. abt. 1909, d. 1
May 2003, Vernon, BC) in 1926
1. Garry^9 Van Wicklin (b. abt 1939) Ontario, Canada
Walter's parents are Henry Harrison and Mary Ann (Joy) Van Wicklin
Olive's parents are Mr. and Mrs. LaFoy.
Background information:
Walter^8 Henry "Rip" Van Wicklin (Henry^7, Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes)
was b. 1 August 1894, in South River, Ontario, Canada and d. 16 October 1981. He m.
in 1926 to Olive LaFoy (b. abt. 1909, d. 1 May 2003 in Vernon, B.C., Canada).
is the wedding photo of Walter and Olive (LaFoy) Van Wicklin circa 1925/6

Children: Garry^9 Van Wicklin, b. about 1939. Garry m. Sylvia Yarmey and they have two children, Cindy^10 Van Wicklin
and Byron^10 Van Wicklin.
Georgi Sills, niece of Walter, sent me the following obituary on Walter Van Wicklin from the Armstrong, British Columbia
newspaper (October 1981)
Walter Henry E. (Rip) Van Wicklin died in his sleep on October 16, 1981 at the Armstrong Spallumcheen Hospital.
Rip Van Wicklin was born in South River on 1 August 1894. He homesteaded at Big Beaver, Sask. in 1913. In 1917 Rip joined
the Army as Physical Instructor in Regina, Sask. In 1926 he married Olive Lafoy where they farmed at Gray, Sask., then
moving to Peace River and onto North Star, Alberta, then coming to Armstrong to farm in 1946. He worked at Hoover's Mill
and Smith's Sawmill from 1951 to 1958 when he retired and did carpentry work.
Mr. Van Wicklin was active in the lawn bowling club, a member of Oddfellows, being Noble Grand, first Vice President of
Peace River Legion, Exalted Ruler of the Elks Lodge in North Star. He also maintained a keen interest in sports.
Rip Van Wicklin is survived by his loving wife Olive, son Garry, daughter-in-law Sylvia, two grandchildren, Cindy and Byron
of Armstrong, two nieces, Mrs. Georgi Sills of Abbotsford and Mrs. Amy Andersen of Calgary, sisters-in-law and their families.
Personal correspondence with Georgi Van Sills, niece of Walter^8 Henry. Georgi collected information through personal family
memorabilia, obituaries, letters, etc.
6 December 2001 -found an internet reference to Armstrong, BC, Cemetery with the following information:
Van Wicklin, Terry - June 1 1986 to June 27, 1987
Van Wicklin, Walter H. (1894-1981) beside Garry Harry Van Wicklin
May 2003 email from Georgi Sills for 1925/6 wedding photo of Walter and Olive
and for the announcement of Olive's passing.